Top 3 Books To Change Your Perspective

Over lockdown I did quite a lot of reading to keep my mind busy and I can honestly say that I fell in love with a couple of books. I run a bookclub on instagram where we read and reviews a book each month and these are my favourites for really challenging the way we think about mindset and our behaviours.

  1. You are a Badass by Jen Sencero

This book has to be my number one! Jen’s writing is amazing. She makes you laugh and feel apart of something bigger. It makes you realise that you are not alone in the feelings that you have and the mindset barriers that are holding you back.

This book literally had be laughing at out loud at points! I was reading this in my local park and a lady walked past me saying “I’ve read that book and its amazing!!! You are a badass” and she just kept walking. It was very surreal but I loved it. This book will give you a pep-talk, she builds you up and prompts self love.

Definitely a book to add to your reading list!!


2. The Chimp Paradox by Prof Steve Peters

This book is very different to ‘You are a badass’ but just as amazing. This is more psychological, it looks deeper at our brain and why we feel certain ways.

The book is centred around a small chimp that lives in all of our brains and sometimes acts against use. It will make you say “OMG I’ve done” so many times! If you are interested in the way our brains work and why we make the choices we do, this is a must. I have this book in paper form and also on audio book. Its good to jump back to if you need a recap in a certain section.

This book really changed the way I personally think about making decisions and the way our brain doesn’t always work in our favour.

My Instagram book review link


3. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

This was a recommendation from one of the girls at book club and i’m so happy that they brought this book forward! Brene Brown is second to none. The way she looks at vulnerability in this book is so great and will make you question the way you have seen being vulnerable up to this point in your life.

She speaks about vulnerability within work, family and love like i’ve not seen before. It gives you the courage to open up and be your true self. If you’re not sure about this book, check out her Netflix documentary and you will fall in love with the way she thinks

My Daring Greatly Instagram book review link

I honestly cant recommend these books enough if you are looking to gain more knowledge around mindset and growing your personal development. They will all make you laugh but you will learn so much.


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